Dermato Ability Analyser
Dermato Ability Analyser: Recognise Innate Talents
Have you ever thought why the fingerprints of individuals are unique? Nature never does anything meaningless. Every person has distinct talent hidden in the brain which is depicted by fingerprint script.
Using Dermatoglyphics technology, parents can identify children’s 9 types of innate intelligence: Verbal-Linguistic, Mathematical-Logical, Musical, Visual-Spatial, Naturalist, Bodily-Kinaesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Existential with 4 Learning Styles: Visual, Aural, Reading & Writing and Kinaesthetic.
Discovering a child's areas of intelligence and learning styles gives a clue on which activities they should spend more time, so that s/he can acquire knowledge more naturally and efficiently and removes the 'trial and error' method of parenting or teaching a fish to climb a tree.