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Work Attitude Assessment

₹ 980

Work Attitude: Listen to your heart & mind

The root cause of unemployment, under-employment, frustration and tension is an incompatibility of a job with the work attitude of a person.

In today's fast-changing and complex job market, it's important to select a career based on personal priorities and traits.

Work Attitude Assessment allows users to pinpoint what is important to them in a career. It helps to identify occupations that they may find satisfying based on the similarity between their work values and the characteristics of the occupations.

There is no alternative for this scientifically formulated psychometric assessment tool, which helps 

•    Students to select the right careers as per their work attitude.
•    Job-seekers can choose to work for maximum job satisfaction.
•    Recruiters will judiciously match the right candidates for the right jobs.
•    Employers are benefitted from increased productivity.
