Knowledge Royalty

“One-time effort; Lifetime Income”

“Get Knowledge Royalty up to Rs 43,200 per month”

85% of people are not utilising their degrees and investment in education as they have no idea how to convert their knowledge and skills into money. You may have good knowledge of any subject but if you are not utilising it, gradually it diminishes and gets wasted.

Margdarshak Kendra www.margdarshakendra www.margdarshakendra is an eLearning venture of the Career-linked Education Council, set up under statutory provisions of the Govt of India. We are embedding careers in the education system with two main objectives (a) to provide top-quality education, affordable to every student throughout the country even at the village level and (b) to manage a person's career of any age from ambition to achievement. We believe that career guidance is not theoretically preaching to someone.

The opportunity

This is an amazing opportunity to create an additional, lifelong flow of regular income with a one-time effort. You can work part-time from your place at your convenience and prepare study content.

You don’t have to sell anything. Education is the fastest growing, ever-demanding service throughout the world unaffected by the recession.


UG/Graduate/PG with good knowledge of relevant subjects. There is no age limit. We entertain freshers also.

Work description

You must prepare study notes for any academic/competitive exam or employability skills as per your expertise and given format.

Knowledge Royalty

You can earn a lifelong monthly income in 2 ways depending on the nature of ownership of the “Study title”.

(a) If “Study-title” is not registered in your name. then you’ll get a fixed royalty income: of Rs 4000/- per month. (b) If “Study-title” is registered in your name. then you’ll get a sale-linked royalty of Rs 216 per sale of the study content. We expect 200 monthly sales depending on the quality of the content. This will ensure a lifelong income of Rs 43,200 per month till you keep your content updated as per the terms.

We sell the eLearning material, and you share the fortune we have created.

The cost of registering the “Study-title” in your name depends on the time you want to complete its study content, i.e.

Rs 2000 x No of months required to submit the completed study content of your “subject title”.

For example, if you think that you can prepare and submit the content in 1 month then you have to pay Rs 2000, if you require 2 months then it will be 2 x 2000 = 4000 and so on.

If you want to extend the time which you have mentioned earlier, then you must pay Rs 2000 extra per extended month of the agreement.

How to start

Step 1-> “Study Title” - First decide the subject + course/exam + medium on which you wish to write as illustrated below:


Step 2 -> Create a Lesson Plan for that subject as follows:

Lesson Name || Time to study (in hours & minutes) || Marks

Step 3 -> Prepare 20 objective multiple choice questions related to any one lesson in a Word file as per given format:

Objective Question:

Option A:
Option B:
Option C:
Option D:

Explanation: for right option
Right Answer: A, B, C, or D

The weightage of 20 MCQs should be 4 easy, 8 normal, 4 difficult and 4 very tough.

Step 4 -> Attach the above word file along with the lesson plan and syllabus of the subject and email .

Once it is verified by the editorial team, you’ll be informed to get associated with us.

Registering the “Study-title” in your name and Royalty Agreement legally safeguards your interest and the organisation will be bound to pay you lifelong income.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) related to Knowledge Royalty.

What is knowledge royalty?

Knowledge royalty is an amount you receive regularly on the sale of the content you have prepared. Your study content is converted into eLearning format and sold to students/users throughout the world. You get an account on the website to check the amount generated through sales and get that amount transferred to your bank account.

What is the registration of the “Study-title” ownership required?

If the “Study title” is not registered it is available to anyone. The person who submits it first is eligible to get the knowledge royalty.

On the other hand, if the “Study content” is registered in your name then you are the owner of that title, it will not be claimed by any other person and you get the benefit of every sale of the content.

Can I change the royalty option?

  1. The royalty option once selected will not be changed.

How will I receive the royalty amount?

Your royalty amount is directly transferred to your bank account.

Since how long I will receive the Knowledge Royalty?

You will receive knowledge royalty as life-long till you update the content as per the terms of the agreement.

How can I trust the sales figure?

The study content sales process is online and transparent. So, you can easily view and keep track of your content sales and income.

Is there any written agreement?

Yes, you will sign a written agreement and the organisation vouchs to pay the knowledge royalty amount regularly till lifelong, provided you update and maintain the quality of the study materials.

Why is the royalty agreement fee based on the duration?

When you sign the royalty agreement then we reserve the “Study-Title” till the months mentioned and we can’t ask other writers to prepare content related to that “Subject-Title”. So, if the owner fails to complete the assignment in due time, then there will be a huge financial loss to the organisation every day.

Can I work if I don’t want to pay for the subject-title ownership fee?

Yes, you can work with us, even if you don’t want to pay the subject-title ownership fee.

What is Subject-Title?

Subject-title is a unique title based on a combination of 3 factors: Course/Exam + Subject + Medium. For example, XIIth class + Physics + English medium is one title, and XIIth class + Chemistry + English is another title.

While I am preparing the contents, can I get a royalty agreement later?

It depends on the availability. If the “study title” is free, then any person interested in the royalty income may get it registered in his/her name.


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